Tiling in Ragnar

Ragnar is a tiling window manager which means that the windows are organised in tiling layouts. Ragnar comes out of the box with 4 different layouts that are changable during runtime and each window in the layout can be resized to your liking.

Benefits of Tiling

Tiling window managers offer a range of advantages that cater to efficiency, productivity, and customization. They optimize screen real estate by automatically arranging windows in a non-overlapping grid, enhancing multitasking and work organization. Their keyboard-centric approach accelerates window management tasks, reducing dependency on mouse interactions and streamlining navigation. The tiling layout ensures a clutter-free workspace, benefiting both programmers and power users. With a focus on minimalism, tiling window managers are well-suited for large monitors, offering optimal screen utilization while minimizing distractions and resource consumption.

Tiling Features in Ragnar

Ragnar offers lots of customization and utility options for tiling and layouts:

Tiling Features


Tiled Master

Vertical Master

Vertical Stripes

Horizontal Stripes